Feb 27, 2013

Noomi Rapace talks Prometheus sequel

A lot of people - myself included - left the theater after viewing "Prometheus" intrigued but nursing some bruised expectations. On the one hand the film looked amazing, on the other there were more inexplicable characters than Carter has Little Liver Pills. On the one hand the film was dense with religious imagery and implications and was at the very least thought provoking, on the other hand watching Noomi's character run the extraterrestrial obstacle course minutes after having her mid-section sliced wide open and stapled shut meant some of those thoughts were "wtf?".

Still, I believe that it was a film just a few character/situation rewrites away from being the film of the year and I'm more than willing to give Ridley another crack at it. Stories of a pending sequel have been bouncing around for months and now Noomi Rapace chimes in with her take on the state of "Prometheus 2". (Question: if the original film was named after a space ship that was destroyed at the end of the movie, do you drop "Prometheus" from the sequel's title altogether? And if so, what would you call it? Just wondering.)

Here's some of what Ms Rapace had to say in a conversation with theplaylist.

Regarding the script: “They’re working on the script. I met Ridley in London a couple of weeks ago. I would love to work with him again and I know that he would like to do another one. It’s just like we need to find the right story. I hope we will.”

Regarding her experience working on the film: “I love working with Ridley. It was pure joy. It was really hard work sometimes. My body was a complete mess – I had bruises and cuts and emotionally I was a bit slammed. But being in his world and his universe was such an amazing experience... if we do a second one, there are a lot of things to explore in there and to continue. I would love to do it.”

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