Mark Hamill |
Everyone from Mars to Middle Earth has heard by now of the sale of LucasFilm to Disney and Disney's intention to slog on with Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII and IX. One question the latter fact raises is "If we're going to pick up the story after 'Return of the Jedi' does that mean there's a place for the original 'big three' of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in the new films?" It's not such a wacky notion and Luke Skywalker himself has weighed in on the possibilites in an interview with EW.
Turns out George Lucas had already informed Hamill and Fisher of his intention during a lunch some months ago and Hamill's response was one of surprise, to say the least.
"So when he said, “We decided we’re going to do Episodes VII, VIII, and IX,” I was just gobsmacked. “What? Are you nuts?!”
There's lots more in the interview. Read it
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