Dec 23, 2012

Tom Hardy as "Mad Max"

After allowing a couple of days for the worst of the Armageddon-esque effects to blow over we emerged from our pathetic survivalist hole today expecting to be greeted by naught but fiery embers but alas, the Mayans messed the bed big time and the world, warts and all, was still here. So it's back to work.

For our first non-post-apocalypse post we a an autographed photo of Tom Hardy as Max that leaked from the Fury Road set/production and found its way online via aintitcool. Granted its not a hell of a lot to work with but it gives some indication of the direction that costume design will take, which in this case seems more slanted toward the catastrophe that was "Thunderdome" and away from the genius of "Road Warrior". Of course it could also be that Max was just having a bad day and both costume design and the film in general will exceed our wildest expectations. Let's hope so. Here's the pic.

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